Champion Team 2017 New Year Kick Off
General Info
*For any questions, please contact your SMD ​
​General & Breakout Session: Sat - Sun, January 21st - 22nd Chinese
Train the Trainer (TTT)**: Mon - Tue, January 23th - 24th Chinese
** TTT Requirements: Life Licensed; OR have at least 3 New Members in the whole team since July 1st, 2016
** Dressing Code: Business, Champion Team Shirt
SMD Dressing Code: Male: Red tie, White Shirt and Black Suit;
Female: Black Suit and Dress Set with Red Shirt.
Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center:
201 Waterfront St, National Harbor, MD 20745
Event Registration
Online registration (General Session $50, Leadership Session $50) closed at 11:59 PM 12/31/2016 Pacific Time.
Online late registration (General Session $75, Leadership Session $75) closed at 11:59 PM 1/8/2017 Pacific Time. (New member and guest will keep original price)
Onsite registration (General Session $75, Leadership Session $75) available at Maryland ballroom. (New member and guest will keep original price)
*Due to 1/20/2017 is the President Inauguration Day, all hotels near Gaylord National Convention Center are sold out. We have reserved 30 rooms at an outside hotel for Friday 1/20/2017. We will also provide a shuttle to take everyone from the hotel to our convention center on Saturday morning.
Tentative Agenda
Gaylord Convention Center Map
Property Map
Please keep your own name badge all the time. The name badge is your ticket to the champion team convention. (SMD will pass out your name badge)
Please do not bring any food and beverage to the conference hall and public area.
Please come to the meeting early, seats will fill up really quick. We are expecting full house. And important no reserve seat allowed.